+To Colette's Portfolio+


+About Me

Colette-Janae Buck

I was born in Spokane, Washington on July 1, 1997. I have 3 siblings, enjoy writing non-fiction and fiction works and hope to become a full time journalist and/ or publications professional in the future.
To learn more click about myLife here.
To view my superhero page, click here.

+Experience & Goals


I primarily use the web for school work, Facebook and writing on tumblr where I use my basic code skills to edit and make changes to pre-existing tumblr layout html code.


Most of my design experience is through self interest and hobby work. I make graphics in my free time for my writings and works. I have only ever used photoshop, not InDesign.


I plan on working in publishing or related journalism fields after I graduate. Hopefully within a magazine or large scale News/Publishing agency where I can use my learned coding and design skills to help build a magazine. I also have an interest in computer technology so I may pursue that instead.

+Lab Projects

Lab 1

Lab one focused on the building blocks of HTML. It was the first of three labs that helped us build our class webpage to store our assignments. Click the picture above to see the Lab One home page.

Lab 2

Lab two continued onto lab one's mission, helping us create and develop our class storage webpage. In this lab we completed a first draft of our myLife.html page and our superhero.html page. Click the picture above to see the finished Lab Two Pages.

Lab 3

Lab three was the most complex of all. We linked CSS pages with our html to complete stunning myLife and superhero.html pages as well as a home page. Click the picture to see the Tab Three homepage.

Lab 4

Lab Four was the beginnings of a book cover. We had to choose two images, format them for both print and web and then create two front covers and two back covers before printing them.
This assignment was printed, so no link is available.

+Code Projects

Code  as a introduction course that helped you learn how to write links, clickable images, tables and more with HTML. Click the link below to see the finished assignment and completed work.
buildYourOwnWebpage.html clickablePhotoPage.html
SocialNetworkingProfile.html designbutton.png

Code One

Code Two was a make-a-website code tutorial in which I created a full tiled website. Click the link to view the completed assignment and course work.

Code Two

Code has not been completed yet! Check back soon for the link to the page and a brief description! 

Code Three

+Reading Projects

Reading Project 1

This is the first of our reading projects which focused on a letterhead for a photography business.


Reading Project 2

The second reading project focused on making an event poster for a surf competition.


Reading Project 3

Reading Project 3 was a newsletter for a space program. This piece was very text heavy and challenging.


Reading Project 5

Reading Project 5 was the most difficult of them all. It was on a brochure to Ireland, and it was very time consuming.


Reading Project 6

Reading Project 6 focused on publishing and the various methods

+Book Project

Lab 5

Lab 5 was a color lab where we explored color pallets for our book covers. Using the Adobe Kuler service we created different shade and pallets that we thought would compliment both of our book covers.

Lab 8

Lab 8 worked on Interactivity of books. Using In-design we created fully functional books with pages you could click through.

Lab 9

Lab 9 was a review on proper printing techniques for InDesign-made booklets. We learned the basics of how to correctly print a book so the pages were in order, as well as how to publish a book online.

Lab 10

Lab 10 is yet to be completed! Check back later for a description and links to the work!

+Group Project

Business Card

Our business card is in a landscape orientation and features contact information for our client, and their church service times.



Our envelope was kept simple with a patterned texture on both sides of the envelope, and the company logo in the top left hand corner.


PDF/ Letterhead

Our PDF is slightly different from our other materials because it is a preschool sign up sheet which can be found here. Our letterhead however stuck with the logo at the top design and used the patterned texture as the background of the letterhead.



The Brochure also features the pattern trim and tells about the daily events and bulletins as well as offers welcome words and contact information.  



The presentation was made in Adobe InDesign and features the same textures as our other materials as a unification method.


We also have made a website which you can view here.